BINDER76, Kolodeje nad Luznici

Binder No
Kolodeje nad Luznici
Scroll Year
Binder Year
Binder No Town Fabric Type Scroll Year Description Hebrew Day Binder Year hebrew Year Child Name Parent Name Binder Town Y H Translation
BINDER1 Linen 1850 White
BINDER2 Linen 1815 White ; red embroidery ; block letter design ; limited decorations 20 Shvat 1864 5625 ישראל פאפער אליהו Donated by Elijah Popper for his son Israel born 20 Shevat 5625 (16 Feb 1865)
BINDER3 Silk 1865 Green ; Brown backing
BINDER4 1825
BINDER5 Cotton 1850 Cream ; small flower pattern repeating
BINDER6 Linen 1875 White
BINDER7 Cotton 1884 White with Blue and Red; unusual Embroidery; artistic letters; no decorations 24 Adar 1902 5662 שלומה פאללאק אהרון Donated by Aaron Popllak of Velhartice for his son Solomon born 24 Adar 5612 (3 March 1902)
BINDER8 Linen 1850 White with Purple stamps VOLTA in center with two horizontal green lines; black edges; 3 hooks as closure 1865 VOLTA stamps
BINDER9 Linen 1750 White, red, blue alternating letters; designs at beginning and end 6 Adar 1849 5609 מיכלליב לידערער מאיר Donated by Meir, son of Elijah Lederer of Poricany for his son Michel Leib born on 6 Adar 5609 (28 Feb 1849)
BINDER10 Cotton 1700 White; Red stitched border 1850
BINDER11 Wool 1850 Orange knit with green stitched border; one sided on linen back; two black ribbons at one end
BINDER12 Cotton Pink with red design printed fabric on linen backing
BINDER13 Linen 1900 white; blue and red words; red and blue border 27 Sivan 1889 5649 יוסף, נתן, איצק, מרדכי Hanoch; Hayyeleh Donated by Hanoch and his wife Hayyaleh for their sons Joseph, Nathan ,Itzak, Mordechai Stern born Lovosice 27 Sivan 5649 (26 june 1889)
BINDER14 Linen White; Red large letters embroidery; Border red; no decoration 20 Adar 1866 5628 יודאליב וואלף גדלש וציפרל Donated by Samuel Stein for his son Abraham born 20 Adar 5628 (14 march 1868)
BINDER15 Linen 1840 White; Bold red filled in block letters with horizontal stripes; interesting font 23 Sivan 1885 5645 Jusel Zevi; Fradl Bloch Donated by Zevi and wife Fradl Bloch of Osracin for their son Jusel born 23 Sivan 5645 (6 June 1885)
BINDER16 Silk Colored
BINDER18 Wool 1750 Dark grey; green; horizontal designd; three belts and hooks
BINDER19 Silk; Linen Purple, Red pattern fabric over linen wimpel with gold letters; on blue undercoat; Gr; TWO IN ONE 7 Adar Sheni 1796 5556 יודאליב וואלף גדלש וציפרל Gift of Gabel, son of Wolf Gadels and his wife Tziperl for their son Judah Leib born on 7 Adar Sheni 556 ame (17 March 1756)
BINDER20 Velvet 1870 Dark red; Silver letters Prayer
BINDER21 Silk C19th White, Blue letters; Red Border; Machine made; Left side heart design ISRAEL NABOZ.OBEC V KUTNE HORE
BINDER22 C19th
BINDER23 Linen 1850 4 Shevat 1842 5600 Abraham ...for his son Abraham born 4 Shevat 5600 (1840)
BINDER24 Linen 1850 2nd day Pesach 1842 5603 ...born on 2nd day of Pesach in 5603 (16 April 1843)
BINDER25 Linen 1850 White
BINDER26 Velvet 1900 Dark Brown with Yellow Magen Davids; Two ribbons on one end
BINDER27 Cotton Bright yellow printed design fabric with red and green motif on yellow orange striped backing
BINDER28 1850 Tallit (big)
BINDER29 Linen 1880 white; Bold red filled in block letters; MISSPELLING? 3 Kislev 1855 5616 ישיהו פליישער צבי ראובן Avraham Tzvi Reuben for son Isaiah (misspelled son's name and inserted letter)
BINDER30 Linen white; white letters; ribbons at end C19th דובסקי יעקב. זעליג Jacob Dubsky Donated by Jacob Dubsky for his son Zelig
BINDER31 Linen 1880 white; Gold letters; block font; 19 Av 1832 5592 יעקב זיכר וואלף Donated by Wolf Sicher for his son Yokev born 19 Av 5592 (15 Aug 1832)
BINDER32 Linen 1850 White
BINDER33 Linen 1800 Linen; red large letter embroidery; simple; chuppah ornate; torn 1 Adar 1816 5579 שלמה סגל איציק Donated by Moses, son of Itzak SGL for his son Solomon, born on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah Adar 5579 (26 Feb 1819)
BINDER34 Cotton 1850 Dark green; Grey alternating thin horizontal stripes; plain backing
BINDER35 Linen C19th Faded white linen and linen backing; white ribbon tie
BINDER36 Silk C19th Grey; Faded orange on back
BINDER37 Cotton C19th Light and dark grey printed fabric diamond design
BINDER38 Velvet 1870 Dark Blue; Gold ltr NA קוביע יצחק\הענדל Isaac; Handel Kubie Gift of Isaac and Handel Kubie (?)
BINDER39 Linen 1875 Linen; embroidery; ALS monogram 28 Nisan 1901 5661 אהרון דוד גוטטמאנן שלום Donated by Shalom Guttman for his son Aaron Dov born 28 Nisan 5661 (1901)
BINDER40 Linen 1720 Taupe; fine red floral stitching; Plain backing
BINDER41 Silk Bright red; short; two red ribbons on one end
BINDER42 Linen 1850 White; short; two white ribbons on one end
BINDER43 Velvet Pink
BINDER44 Velvet 1850 Black; short with 3 hooks; white fabric backing
BINDER45 Velvet 1850 Black; VOLTA stamp on backing with small green horizontal lines; short with 3 hooks; white fabric backing VOLTA Stamps
BINDER46 Cotton 1870 Purple; Yellow flower design horizontal in center
BINDER47 Linen 1875 White; Gold thread and some Red embroidery; careful sewing; few creatures 9 Shevat 1875 5636 קילה אברהם מתתיה Donated by Mattithah with his wife Kelah for their son Abraham born on 9 Shevat 5636 (4 Feb 1876)
BINDER48 Tallit (big)
BINDER49 Silk Colored
BINDER50 Cotton 1850 white
BINDER51 Cotton 1825 Orange; red pattern; one sided with orange ribbons one side
BINDER52 Linen 1800 Linen; embroidery 28 Tammuz 1865 5625 Moses Avraham Augstein Donated by Abraham Augstein of Kdyne for his son Moses born 28 Tammuz 5625 (21 July 1865)
BINDER53 Cotton Black or dark grey; red flower and green leaf pattern
BINDER54 Wool Black background; Red,green,purple Checkered woven; red border; 3 string loops and flower with buttons
BINDER55 Tapestry 1850 brown with red flowers; thin fabric
BINDER56 Cotton 1875 Blue; Cream; Brown printed fabric design; Short; Dark ribbon on each end; Bright blue silk backing
BINDER57 Cotton Blue; Cream; Brown printed fabric design; Short; Dark ribbon on each end; Bright blue silk backing
BINDER58 Silk 1780 Dark orange; one sided with linen backing; rounded edges
BINDER59 Silk C19th Faded white with silver thread decorations; plain backing; two strings at one end
BINDER60 Silk 1775 Vibrant green; light green backing
BINDER61 Silk 1775 Light green; plain backing
BINDER62 Velvet 1825 Red velvet; Yellow words; hooks NA Czech words: Donated for Honor and Glory of Gd
BINDER63 Silk 1780 Orange; Yellow thread initials ALS 5655 Initials: ALS
BINDER64 Cotton 1725 White; Red large open letters; limited decoration; poor condition 1 Nisan 1871 יששכר יהונתן דרייל נתן וישנאווא Donated by Nathan Weil of Visnova for his son Issachar Jehonathan born on Rosh Hodesh Nisan 5631 (23 March 1871)
BINDER65 Cotton C18th thin orange; flower horizontal stripe at top; backing striped pattern; mismatched sewing C18th
BINDER66 Cotton red vertical stripes; orange back; tie missing
BINDER67 Cotton 1895 White; Long; Double yellow border stitching
BINDER68 Cotton 1900 White; Red and Blue alternating letters embroidery; Long thin letters; simple chuppah 17 Tammuz 1907 5667 אהרן קלינגער יוסף בערגשטאדטל Donated by Joseph Klinger of Hory Matky Bozi for his son Aaron born 17 Tammuz 5667 (29 June 1907)
BINDER69 Cotton Faded white with repeating flower pattern
BINDER70 Silk 1878 Brown fabric with design and Blue letters hand sewn; Blue and Green border 1877 5638 Samuel and Buna נהלשמאיל; בונה
BINDER71 Wool 1837 Dark Red; Yellow letters; Striped ribbons 1837 מארגנשטערןמחלה To Honor the Torah
BINDER72 Wool 1837 Dark Red; Yellow letters; Striped ribbons 1837 מארגנשטערןמחלה
BINDER73 Silk 1850 Dark Blue.Yellow letters; Ribbons Michalah Morgenstern Machalah Morgenstern
BINDER74 Tallit
BINDER75 Cotton C19th Red and white stripe vertical pattern; wavy line down center; plain backing
BINDER76 Silk 1830 Green; long; Top horizontal leaf design; Bottom horizontal green Greek or Egyptian design; Bottom has same designs in reverse (top leaf dark; background light, bottom side leaf lite and background dark); Two white ribbons on one end NA
BINDER77 Cotton 1850 Embroidery 24 Iyar 1845 5605 Zanwil זנוויל ...Figlah Beck for her son Zanwil born on 24 Iyyar 5605 31 may 1845
BINDER78 Cordoroy 1900 Bright Red; single dark ribbon
BINDER79 Cotton 1900 Green; orange; yellow vertical stripe pattern; Grey backing
BINDER80 Tapestry 1824 Red gold printed pattern; Modern design; backing plain blue; Two red ribbons on one end; pretty; BC_129.01 and L0450 are two pieces of same fabric
BINDER81 Tapestry 1824 Red gold printed pattern; Modern design; backing plain blue; Two red ribbons on one endbpretty
BINDER82 1900 Tallit
BINDER83 C19th Tallit
BINDER84 Tapestry C19th Dark red pattern on pattern; Bright red backing; long
BINDER85 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER86 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER87 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER88 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER89 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER90 Wool 1860 Dark blue; yellow letters C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER91 Cotton 1860 Grey; Salmon backing C19th זלמןמרי קאהן מיכל Donated to the Lord our Gd of the lady Mirel Kahn for her sons Salman and Benje
BINDER92 Linen Colored
BINDER93 Cotton White; Red and blue embroidery; Flower decoration; "Modern letters"; Bird; Clover; Flower; Chuppah; Torah 14 Tevet 1900 5661 חיים לערערער יצחק Donated by Isaac Lederer for his son Hayyim born 14 Tevet 5661 ( 5 Jan 1901)
BINDER94 Cotton 1900 White; short; white ribbons both ends
BINDER95 Linen C19th White; Large red letter shaky; Decorative; Red border; flowers; C18th הירש שאס מאיר Hirsch, son of Meir Scloss
BINDER96 Tapestry 1875 Dark green with blue and light green same pattern; White backing
BINDER97 Wool 1875 Bright pink; yellow backing
BINDER98 Linen 1910 White; Large Red embroidery; Embroid Feathers and hat design 14 Adar 1876 5636 שמעון קלויבער Gift of Mordecai Kloiber (?)
BINDER99 Cotton 1875 White; Red embroidery on lines; no decoration 22 Adar 1870 5630 שמעון וייזאברהם\ רבקה בליסטוי Donated by Abraham and his wife Rebecca Weil of Chilstov to their son Simom born 22 Adar Sheni 5630 (25 March 1870)
BINDER100 Linen 1750 White long
BINDER101 Linen 1718 Linen; embroidery 14 Adar 1876 5636 Simon Mordechai Klauber Donated by Mordechai Klauber of Kydne for his son Simon born on 14 Adar 5636 (10 March 1876)
BINDER102 Tapestry 1850 Dark orange fabric with ingrained pattern and wavy line down center; plain backing
BINDER103 Cotton C19th yellow paisley; one sided; string tie
BINDER104 Linen 1850 Soiled White; Blue& Gold thread; Large letters; simple; ripped at end 1 Sivan 1745 5506 יעקב יצחק Jacob, son of Isaac, was born Rosh Hodesh Sivan 5506 (20 May 1746)
BINDER105 Linen 1750 White; Red careful embroidery; no decorations Adar 1894 5654 אלעזר אייזנער אליעזר Elazar son of Eliezar of Dobris was born on Simchat Torah 5654 (3 Oct 1893)
BINDER106 Cotton 1750 Blue; Yellow faded writing; open letters; few red letters Adar 1880 5640 טויסיק ליזר Liezer Tosouk
BINDER107 Silk 1869 Pattern light Blue; white vertical design with few flowers; small with white ribbons at each end NA
BINDER108 Silk 1869 White; Green embroidered flowers and squiggly ribbon border stiched on NA
BINDER109 Cotton 1900 Pink with red flower design
BINDER110 Tallit (big)
BINDER111 Cotton 1850 White; hand-sewn letters in pink thread and pink border; simple; poor shape; ripped at end 7th day Pesach 1832 5592 מנחם וודישקא עזריאל Menachem, son of Ezriel Woditschka was born on 7th of Pesach 5592 (21 April 1832)
BINDER112 Silk 1725 Beige; Brown letters and fancy border; ripped 14 Tevet 1814 5574 Zanwil Josef Hutter Donated by Joseph Hutter for his son Zanwil born 14 Tevet 5574 (6 Jan 1814)
BINDER113 Wool 1825 Light brown; blue squiggly lines and border; two blue ties at one end; Initials TRJ Initial TRJ
BINDER114 Linen 1850 Blue; Diagonal diamond print of cream; no backing thin one sided
BINDER115 Tapestry Bold pattern Red; Black and Orange horizontal; plain backing NA
BINDER116 Linen 1775 White
BINDER117 Linen 6 Nisan 1856 זנוויל שטייכר איזיק Itzak Shicor for Tzinol
BINDER118 Cotton Red; small oval; two strings on each end
BINDER119 Tapestry C18tth Cream background with bold Red flower and leaf busy print; Green borders; backing silky plain
BINDER120 Tallit
BINDER121 Linen 1875 White; Red and blue alternating letters; decorations; open block letters but irregular 11 Sivan 1850 5610 Hirsch Josef Hermann Donated by Joseph Herrmann of Spalene Porici for his son Hirsch born on 11 Sivan Parashat naso 5610 (22 May 1850)
BINDER122 Cotton 1900 White; Red embroidery; simple but hard to read 1 Kislev 1890 5653 Hayyim Ephraim; Mache Hutter הוטער Donated by Ephraim Hutter with his wife Masche for their son Hayyim born on the eve of Rosh Hodesh Kislev 653 ame (19 Nov 1892)
BINDER123 Linen 20 Tevet 1892 5653 יצחק ויי דוד\ פראדל Donated by David, son of Simon Weil with his wife Fradl for their son Isaac 20 Tevet 5653 (8 Jan 1893)
BINDER124 Linen 1850 White
BINDER125 Cotton 1840 White; Red skinny letters; Magen David; menorah; red border; hand sewn 21 Tammuz 1882 5642 Meir Bela; Israel Weiskoff Donated by Belah, wife of israel Weisskopf for her son Meir born 21 Tammuz 5642 (8 July 1882)
BINDER126 Silk 1910 White with two white strings at one end
BINDER127 Cotton 1875 White; Red letters; careful sewing; music notes; flowers at end 1872
BINDER128 Linen White; small Red letters; simple; Magen David 7 Shvat 1847 5608 יחזקאל שליט פאנטל יסף Gift of Joseph Fantl and his wife Miriam for their son Ezekiel born on 7 Shevat 5608 (12 Jan 1848)
BINDER129 1775 Tallit
BINDER130 Silk C20th 1826 5687 אלטאר שרה Elitor Sarah (?)
BINDER131 Leather 1875 Blue; Gold letter and trim in Greek; Egyptian style; leather belt Kuf Lamed
BINDER132 1850 Tallit (big)
BINDER133 Tapestry 1900 Dark brown printed fabric with small cream box pattern; plain backing
BINDER134 Linen 1900 2 Tammuz 1898 5658 אברהם אויגנשטיין משה Donated by Moses Ginstein for son Avraham
BINDER135 Silk 1875 Yellow with dark brown border
BINDER136 Tapestry Taupe with repeating purple flower design; two sided NA
BINDER137 Velvet 1850 Dark Red; Yellow letters; Hook closure Kadosh Lamed Yud Yud
BINDER138 Linen White; Red shaky hand sewn embroidery; few leaves; flowers 5 Iyar 1861 5621 מרדבי הלוי אברהם\ רבקה Donated by Abraham ha Levi and his wife Rebecca for their son Mordechai norn 8 Iyyar 5621 (18 April 1861)
BINDER139 Silk Dark blue; plain backing
BINDER140 Brown; cream horizontal stripes; brown words; poor shape 1879 Mordechai many losses in text and fabric
BINDER141 Silk Blue; gold letters, simple; white backing Adar 1880 5639 Leizer Toysik This is this gift of Leizer Toysik (?)
BINDER142 Linen Soiled white; Red careful embroidery; some decorations; פרייר ברוף\ זיסל אפאטאווטץ Donated by Baruch Fruend of Opatovice with his wife Zisl for their son
BINDER143 Silk Medium blue; plain backing
BINDER144 Crochet Light brown and red pattern in center and horizontal lines top and bottom; backing blue
BINDER145 Cotton 1910 Brown and white vertical stripes; long and thin so stripes on both sides
BINDER146 Cotton 1900 Grey; long; two sided; grey strings at each end
BINDER147 Tapestry 1900 Green flowers on grey material with horizontal lines of red and yellow; alt band pattern; green trim on sides; plain backing
BINDER148 Cotton 1875 Rusty Brown; One sided with brown backing; Two dark ties one end
BINDER149 1825 Tallit
BINDER150 Cotton 1880 Purple
BINDER151 Silk 1880 White silk; bold black letters embroidery; two lines; no decoration 1913 אברהם בירנבוים Donated by Abraham and Yittel Birnbaum
BINDER152 Cotton 1900 Light green printed pattern with purple specks; thin one sided
BINDER153 Cotton White; Red sewn trim
BINDER154 Tapestry 1875 Purple; box design NA
BINDER155 Velvet 1875 Red; Gold letters; Gold trim; strings at both ends Kadosh Lamed Yud Yud
BINDER156 Cotton 1870 white; red thin doubled letters; Two lines of text unusual; decorations; 18 Kislev 1852 5613 איצק ליב פאלאק שלמה Dedicated to Rebecca, wife of Elijah Katz of N for her son Abraham born 6 Adar Rishon 5613 (14 Feb 1853)
BINDER157 Linen C19th White; big red open letters and scalloped edges with red border; Some flower decorations; 24 Tishrei 1860 5621 שמעון בישיטצקי יצחק\רחל Donated by Isaac Bischitzky and his wife Rachel for their son Simon born 24 Tishrei 5621 (10 Oct 1860)
BINDER158 Linen 1890 White; letters 2nd day RH 1801 5562 גרשון בן יהונתן קאסאזריץ Gershon, son of Jonathan of Kasejovice, born on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah 5562 (9 Sept 1901)
BINDER159 Cotton 1850 White
BINDER160 Tapestry 1875 Yellow; Vertical red and white flower design; gold trim; plain backing
BINDER161 Linen 1850 White w; pink Letters and border; ornate; 1775 יהודה ליזר Gift of Leizer, son of Benjamin (t), for his son Judah born 4 Tevet in the year"the scepter will not depart from Judah" (Gen 49:10) 5536 (27 Dec 1775)
BINDER162 Tapestry 1850 Red; Gold design; Yellow stitching on back has initials Initials on back - Vav Pey (?)
BINDER163 Linen 1850 Red; Plain backing
BINDER164 Linen C19th White; Red Large twirled letters Embroidery 16 Adar 1893 5653 אזריאל שטערן אברהם Donated by Abraham Stein for his son Ezriel, born 16 Adar 653 (4 March 1893)
BINDER165 Linen 1880 White; Large empty red letters embroidery; no decoration 10 Nisan 1868 5628 מאיר שיץ יוסף Donated by Joseph Schwtz with his wife Sulislav for their son Meir born 10 Nisan 5628 (2 April 1868)
BINDER166 Linen 1900 White; Red small empty thick letters embroidery; limited decoration; 26 Adar 1861 5621 Yom Tov Hirsch; Ratzl Augner Donated by Hirsch Augner and his wife Raitzl for their son Yom Tov born on 26 Adar 5621 (8 March 1861)
BINDER167 Cotton 1830 Blue paisley; gold letters; snaps; gold trim Kadosh Lamed Kuf; Lamed
BINDER168 Tapestry C19th Taupe with Red flower design printed
BINDER169 1875 Tallit (big)
BINDER170 C19th Tallit (big)
BINDER171 Linen 1900 White; small careful Red letetrs; no decoration 13 Iyar 1900 5660 איזיק יצחק ביניבוין זאב ווערעלעס; רייזל Donated by Benjamin ZeevWedeles and his wife Rezl for their son Eizak called Isaac born 13 Iyyar 5660 (12 may 1900)
BINDER172 Tapestry 1850 Bold Red; Green; Gold Leaf and Stems design; plain backing
BINDER173 Cotton 1875 Red; White vertical flower and stripe design NA
BINDER174 Linen White blue and red letters; can see where design drawn on without thread; Magen David 15 Tammuz 1838 5589 שמואל ליב זאקס מענדלחיים Gift of Mendel son of Hayyim Sachs of Sedlec for his son Samuel Leib born 15 Tammuz 5598 (8 July 1838)
BINDER175 Cotton White; red sewn border 1850
BINDER176 Linen 1850 White; Red embroidery; Kadosh Lamud Yud Yud; Bow and arrow; Magen David tip; BK 1898 5659 BK Initials
BINDER177 Linen White; big yellow letters; Block filled in print 10 Tammuz 1927 5687 רחל נעללנער שרה Donated by Sarah Gellner for her daughter Rachel born on 10 Tammuz 5687 (10 July 1927)
BINDER178 Silk 1875 Red; Small oval; string on each end
BINDER179 1860 green; wide
BINDER180 1875 Tallit (big)
BINDER181 Linen Linen; embroidery 2 Sivan 1896 5656 אהרן קליין Donated by Elijah Klein for his son Aaron born 12 Sivan 5656 (24 May 1896)
BINDER182 Tallit (big)
BINDER183 C19th Tallit (big)
BINDER184 Linen 1825 White; Red embroidery; Simple letters; no decoration 1871 5632 פיש רחיים; רחל Donated by Hayyim Fischer and his wife Rache in the year 5632 (1872)
BINDER185 Silk 1850 White; two string ties at one end
BINDER186 Linen 1850 White; Red and Blue words alternate; thin script; limited decoration 17 Adar 1845 5605 יהונתן באנדי שמעון Donated by Simon Bondy of Dobris for his son Jehonathan born 17 Adar Sheni 5605 (26 March 1845)
BINDER187 Silk 1875 Pattern light Blue; white vertical design with few flowers; small with white ribbons at each end
BINDER188 Tapestry Dark background with ornate diamond pattern of cream flowers
BINDER189 Linen C19th White; Gold big open block letters; Gold border sewn; some decoration 24 Tishrei 1825 5586 מאירליב פריינדגבריאל\ ערל Gift of Gabriel Freund and his wife Edel for their son Meir Leib born on 24 Tishrei 5586 (6 Oct 1825)
BINDER190 Silk 1775 Gold with gold pattern; Horizontal borders of dark gold design
BINDER191 Linen 1880 White; Red crooked letter embroidery; gold chuppah; rough sew; red border 17 Heshvan 1800 5561 Zelke Mendel Meir; Retzl Donated by Meir with his wife Rezl for their son Zelke Mendel born 17 Heshvan 5561 (5 Nov 1800)
BINDER192 Silk C19th Taupe; small yellow and pink flower design; Backing Taupe linen with green design
BINDER193 Silk Pink with pink pattern; backing red; two white strings at end
BINDER194 Tallit
BINDER195 Cotton 1850 White
BINDER196 C18th Tallit (big)
BINDER197 Cotton 1800 White; Ornate Red Flower design printed; Green border; linen backing
BINDER198 Linen stained; blue and brown embroid letters; bit uneven; chuppah beautiful 7 Adar Sheni 1810 5570 יודל סג ליודל Judel SGL for his son Joseph born 7 Adar Rishon 5570 (11 Feb 1810)
BINDER199 Cotton 1850 White
BINDER200 Silk 1880 Grey with grey pattern; plain backing
BINDER201 Cotton 1775 Dark brown dot pattern on cream; one sided
BINDER202 Linen 1900 White; Red thin letter embroidery; unfilled letters 4 Shevat 1909 5689 דוד אריה קלויבער עוזר; גוטל Donated by Ozer Klauber of Domazlice with his wife Gitl for their son David Aryeh born 4 Shevat 5669 (26 January 1909)
BINDER203 Linen White with beautiful handsewn pink thread; Border; Crowns; pattern in letters; Bull; 29 Nisan 1805 5565 Elijah Eliezar Siegal Donated by Eliezar SGL for his son Elijah born 29 Nissan 5565 , according to the minor era (April 28 1805)
BINDER204 Cotton 1800 Lite; green with border
BINDER205 Wool Red; Yellow letters filled in; poor condition; plain backing 1898 Bertha Lev Gift of Bertha Lev
BINDER206 Velvet Dark Purple with yellow line design triangles; backing plain purple
BINDER207 Cotton 1850 white; red embroidery; center bubbles on letters; simple print; some animals; Magen David 7 Nisan 1841 5601 Isaac איצקבןרזל ...for their son Itzak son of Rezl born 7 Nisan 5601 (29 March 1841)
BINDER208 Cotton C19th Light purple; Two sided short
BINDER209 Velvet 1900 Bright blue; orange plain backing; Two orange strings at one end
BINDER210 Cotton 1825 Faded white; Bold red filled in block latters 4 Shavuot 1857 5617 אפרים לעוריעוזר Donated by Ozer Lowry of Hluboka for his son Ephraim born on 2nd day of Shavuot 5617 (30 May 1857)
BINDER211 Velvet C19th Bold Red; applique leather flowers; buttons; ornate NA
BINDER212 Tallit (big)
BINDER213 Silk 1850 Red; plain white backing
BINDER214 Cotton 1850 Greenish blue pattern; plain backing with inlaid pattern
BINDER215 Cotton 1890 White; Red small letters in center; very near open block font; red lines at top and bottom as border; only decoration leaves at end 12 Iyar 1899 5659 אלחנן גוטטמאכן שלום Elhanan son of Shalom Guttman born 12 Iyyar 5659 (22 April 1899)
BINDER216 Velvet 1800 Light pink; lite purple backing; ribbons at each end
BINDER217 Linen 1875 Linen; embroidery 13 Adar 1877 5637 מרדכי פלאב יעקב; לאה שוויהו Donated by Jacob and his wife Leah Bloch of Svochov for their son Mordechai born 13 Adar 5637 (26 Feb 1877)
BINDER218 Cotton Pinkish purple with horizontal streaks of grey
BINDER219 Cotton Orange; plain backing
BINDER220 Leather 1900 Brown Leather; Cutouts show light Cream letters with cream border; two leather straps on side link with buckles on other side Kadosh Lamed yud yud
BINDER221 Cotton 1887 red
BINDER222 Elastic 1850 pink elastic band with 3 hooks
BINDER223 Linen 1850 linen; embroidery 3 Marshevan 1795 5556 Joseph Jacob Belongs to Jacob for his son Joseph born on 3 Marheshvan 5556 (10 Oct 1795)
BINDER224 Linen Faded white; Large red open block embroidery; limited decoration 9 Nisan 1851 5617 בצלאל לאשאנסקי Donated by Hirsch Laschansky for his son Bezalel born 9 Nissan 5616 (14 April 1851)
BINDER225 Linen 1825 White; red and blue letters; hand-sewn embroidery; simple thin writing 15 Sivan 1840 5600 יעקב יהודה שרלתי Judah and his wife Sarl for their son Jacob born 15 Sivan 5600 (16 June 1840)
BINDER226 Silk 1880 Dark brown 2 sided
BINDER227 Linen White; Blue embroidery; Long skinny letters; blue border; no decoration 28 Tammuz 1846 5606 יחיאל שטיין פלק Donated by Falk Stein for his son Jeheil born on 28 Tammuz 5606 (22 July 1846)
BINDER228 1850 Tallit
BINDER229 Needlepoint 1875 black; green and red pattern; 4 black ribbons; red border; H initial; buttons Initial H
BINDER230 Needlepoint 1875 black; green and red pattern; 4 black ribbons; red border; H initial; buttons
BINDER231 Linen 1900 White
BINDER232 Cotton 1850 White; bold red letter embroidery; Lamed decorations 12 Shevat 1857 5617 וטאלף שלייסנר Donated by Hirsch Schleiner for his son Wolf born 12 Shevat 5617 (6 Feb 1857)
BINDER233 Cotton Faded Brown or orange
BINDER234 1875 Tallit
BINDER235 Cotton 1855 White; Red ornate block letters embroidery; fish; letter decoration 15 Sivan 1857 5617 דוד ווייל זלמן בעזיקוי Donated by Zalman Weil of Bedekov for his son David born 15 Sivan 5617 (7 June 1857)
BINDER236 1850 Tallit
BINDER237 Cotton White; bold red embroidery; filled in block; 7 Av 19th c דוד פליישער אברהם צבי Donated by Abraham Zevi Fleischer of Klenova for his son David born 7 Av
BINDER238 Cotton 1850 Faded white; Bold red big filled in block letters; slightly slanted font; slight lamed decoration 3 kislev 1886 5647 יצחק פעלדמאן Donated by Makhel Feldmann for his son Isaac born 3 Kislev 5647 (30 Nov 1886)
BINDER239 Linen 1861 Faded white; Bold red filled in block letters; photo backwards; no decorations 16 Adar 1861 5621 Solomon Isaachar ha'levi; ester klein Gift from Issachar Klein ha Levi and his wife Ester for their son Solomon born on 16 Adar 5621 ( 26 Feb 1861)
BINDER240 1850 Tallit
BINDER241 Cotton White; Sm red flower design; Words at one end
BINDER242 Linen 1890 White; dark red open letters at top third of band; no decorations; 17 Shvat 1865 5626 נתן ווייסקאפף דוד; גיטל צישקאוו .David and Gitl Weisskopf for son Nathan..ton Fabriciu Tsustein Brdbu
BINDER243 Cotton white; red fancy stitching on empty block letters; minimal decoration 1850 אלקנה שעפסקע ...for his son Elkahan...
BINDER244 Silk 1890 Green with horizontal fabric design; Big yellow letters; two lines 1910
BINDER245 Cotton 1850 White; pink thread; circles mid empty block letters; some decoration on letter; Magen David in box; 9 Iyar 1851 5611 יעקב בער וייל זלמן בעזיקוי Donated by Zalman Weil of Bezdekov for his son Jacob Beer born on 9 Iyyar 5611 (11 May 1851)
BINDER246 Cotton 1822 Yellow; black horizontal stripe pattern; small with white ribbons on each end
BINDER247 Cotton 1850 White; ; red pretty block letters; scallop edges with red; very neat; 8 Nisan 1866 5622 ינה-אריה פישערי עקב; רייכל Donated by Jacob Fisher and his wife Raichl for their son Jonah Aryeh born 8 Nissan 5622 (8 April 1862)
BINDER248 Velvet 1780 Dark green; brown backing; red thread at one end
BINDER249 Cotton 1830 Red with black outline and white vert stripes; possibly painted?
BINDER250 Needlepoint 1875 red rectangle; black and yellow arrow design; horizontal border; grey ribbon on right side and loops on left; Backing is purple; black vertical stripes
BINDER251 Needlepoint 1875 red rectangle; black and yellow arrow design; horizontal border; grey ribbon on right side and loops on left; Backing is purple; black vertical stripes
BINDER252 Tapestry 1900 pink pattern on dark cream backing; Green silk side
BINDER253 Linen White; strings on 2 ends
BINDER254 Linen 1922 white; multicolor letters; FLAG (Weimar); animals; very ornate; small black writing at bottom; Painted 26 Sivan 1922 5682 Isaac Judah Leib Isaac son of Judah Leib was born on 26 Sivan 5682 (22 June 1922) in the Torah verse Num 13:2 in the Chuppah verse Jer 7:34
BINDER255 Linen C19th Linen; embroidery 28 Adar 1908 5668 Simon Koppel haLevi; Leah Simon, son of Koppel ha Levi and his wife Leah was born 28 Adar Sheni 5668 (31 march 1908)
BINDER256 Velvet 1850 Dark purple; white backing
BINDER257 Cotton 1890 white; big red open block letters; uneven script; 7 Shevat 1890 5635 זלמן ליב פענטליבא מנדל; פיגה Donated by Mendel and Feygelah Pantilat for son Kalman Leib
BINDER258 Silk 1798 Dark Blue; Medium blus backing; 2 blue strings on one end; Yellow stitching on end M Aufrichlig (in German?)
BINDER259 Cotton white; red empty block letters; Fish; circles at center of letters; chuppahW 11 Tishrei 1857 5617 ישעכר בערל בלייער יחזקאל דאללאן
BINDER260 Cotton 1800 Red and Taupe with horizontal decoration of repeating design; might be two thin strips sewn on top of each other 1855
BINDER261 Cotton 1800 White; red embroidery; messy letters open block print 1st Hanuka 1855 5616 אהרון יאנפסק' ליזר Donated by Leizer Janowsky for his son Aaron born on the 1st day of Hannukah 5616 (5 Dec 1855)
BINDER262 Cotton 1850 Dark Blue with light blue pattern; Red trim; Backing Light blue inlaid pattern
BINDER263 Tapestry Cream; Bold red; green taupe floral design repeating; Border on top; plain backing
BINDER264 Linen 1910 White
BINDER265 Linen White; Bold red thin empty letter design; red scalloped edges; no decoration 5 Tevet 1895 5655 Abraham Moses Kusy Donated by Moses Kusy for his son Abraham born 5 Tevet 5655 (1 Jan 1895)
BINDER266 Linen 1825 White
BINDER267 Linen White; large gold letters embroidery; empty rounded block letters; ornate lameds 15 Shevat 1838 5698 Asher כץ איסכל; מלכה Donated by Iserl Ktz with his wife Malkah for their son Asher Leib born 15 Shevat 5598 (10 Feb 1838)
BINDER268 Linen 1850 White; bold Red empty block letters; red border; ornate design; red line border top and bottom 13 Adar 1855 5615 פורטה יאקב; אסתר Gift of Yokev, son of Wolf Furth of Strakovice, and his wife Ester for their son Elijah born 13 Adar 5615 (3 March 1855)
BINDER269 Velvet 1900 White; 2 ribbons on one end
BINDER270 Cotton 1900 Red; White Vertical strips; plain backing; initials sewed at end Initials Shin Shin
BINDER271 Wool 1800 dark linen; orange letters sewed with wool and horizontal stiches very unusualD 1891 5652 קוא אשר אנשיל Gift of Anshul
BINDER272 Linen 1850 White
BINDER273 Linen 1725 white; green Magen David; green box with red letters; applique; hebrew script at endW Ester Tzroel Has the Shema prayer and in cursive Esther Tzroel (presumably the maker)
BINDER274 Silk 1875 Taupe; shiny; Green border one edge; silk backing
BINDER275 Silk 1800 Gold short silky
BINDER276 Silk 1800 Gold short silky לכבודהתורה
BINDER277 Wool 1838 Dark red wool with Yellow embroidery letters and blue; white striped ties To Honor the Torah
BINDER278 Linen 1825 White; red letters and red border; wide letters decorated; separate writing at end unusual 6 Elul 1751 5511 אברהם פלקנוי משה Donated by Moses Falkenau for his son Abraham born 6 Elul 5551 (27 Aug 1751
BINDER279 Patchwork C19th Brown squares surrounded by floral fabric and vertical striping many colors fabric in repeating pattern
BINDER280 Tapestry 1850 Taupe; small oval with floral pattern; strings on both ends
BINDER281 Linen 1850 Faded white; Red empty block letters; twisty embroidery; sun and minimal decorations on letters 1 Adar 1851 5611 ליזר ביימל הרש ליב Donated by Hirsch Leib Bauml (t) of Janovice for his son Leizer born on the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah Adar Rishon 5611 (2 Feb 1851)
BINDER282 1875 Light green center design
BINDER283 Leather; velvet 1850 Leather belt design; Black oval with gold border and Letter "Kuf; Lamed" on brown leather belt with buckle "Kuf Lamed" prayer
BINDER284 Wool 1890 Dark red with brown border; Yellow filled in block letters embroidery; 28 Kislev 1857 5618 אייזיק וואלף אברהם; מאשל Donated by Abraham Wolf and his wife Mashl for thier son Ezik born 28 Kislev 5618 (15 dec 1857)
BINDER285 Silk 1775 Green; dark red backing; one string on end
BINDER286 Cotton White; Red open letter design embroidery; ornaments: flowers and swirls; pretty 22 shvat 1862 5622 זעליג וואודל נחמיה; צביה Donated by Nehemiah Worel with his wife Zeviah for their son Zedig born 22 Shevat 5622 (23 jan 1862)
BINDER287 Silk Light Green; Red,pink,white floral pattern with green leaves C18th
BINDER288 Linen C19th white; red ltr; menorah; ornate designs (zodiac; Magen David; chuppah) some gold thread 12 Sivan 1718 5478 Abraham Leib Faivel Donated by Faivel, son of Meir, for his son Abraham Leib born 12 Sivan 5478 (11 june 1718)
BINDER289 Cotton 1875 Purple with repeating black design; plain backing
BINDER290 Linen 1850 White; red sewn border C19th No translation
BINDER291 Linen 1860 Faded white; Bold Red tall thin filled in block letter embroidery; words in center only; red border 1899 5659 To the Santification of the Temple in the year 5659 (1899)
BINDER292 Cotton 1860 White with red border and tall thin letters in Latin; German C20th Otto Eisenschiml Otto Eisenschiml
BINDER293 Velvet Purple; black
BINDER294 Linen C19th Faded white; Gold empty block letters; gold borders; letters have mid area circles; minimal decoration; ornate Lameds and interesting horizontal ines at end 15 Tishrei 1854 5615 זעליג כץ שמשון; לאה Donated by Samson Katz with his wife Hayyah Leah for their son Zelig born on 15 Tishrei 5615 (7 Oct 1854)
BINDER295 Linen 1830 White; gold and blue letters unfilled and decorated with designs inside; artistic; gold border; hand sewn 4 Shevat 1768 5628 Ephraim Aaron Aaron, son of Hirsch, for his son Ephraim born 4 Shevat 5628 (23 jan 1768)
BINDER296 Linen 1875 White; red letters hand sewn and blue decoration, Red sewn border, Flowers at end. Stork and noisemaker in Lamed design 4 Tishrei 1774 5505 Samuel Isaac Redish Donated by Eizak Redisch for his son Samuel, born 4 Tishrei 5535 (9 Sept 1774)
BINDER297 Silk C19th Brown; Orange border; green patch; plain backing
BINDER298 Velvet 1825 Red; Gold metallic thread filled in block letters; 2 red strings on one side 1931 טעלטשער אלחנןה אנס בןאברהם יששכר Gift of Elhanan Hans (?) son of Abraham Issachar Teltsher (?)
BINDER299 Green; red
BINDER300 Linen 1850 Taupe with repeating printed pattern of red flowers and leaves ...GP...Printing co name - hard to read
BINDER301 Cotton C19th Embroidery 25 Sivan 1877 5637 צבי בהרר נפתלי; שדל Donated by Naphtali Hirsch and his wife Sarl of Plzen for their son Zevi born on 25 Sivan 5637 (6 June 1877)
BINDER302 Cotton 1800 Hand-sewn Red Letters; Fish; Chuppah; Sun 18 Elul 1855 Isaac Lederer ... Lederer of Chilstov for his son Isaac born 18 Elul 5616 (18 Sept 1856)
BINDER303 Linen C19th White; white and blue words; some decoration 1 Elul 1801 5561 סגל מיכאל סטרקאניץ A gift of Michael SGL of Strakovice for his son Baruch, born on Rosh Hodesh Elul 5561 (10 Aug 1801)
BINDER304 Cotton 1850 light Brown with darker brown and cream horizontal stripes
BINDER305 Cotton light green
BINDER306 Tapestry C19th Red; Brown brocade
BINDER307 Cotton 1880 White; Big Red empty letters embroidery; interesting font; Magen David at end with initials AN C19th ניימאן אהרון ניעלשיטץ Donated by Aaron Neumann of Belcice
BINDER308 Cotton 1800 Medium red; Pink backing
BINDER309 Silk 1875 Brown pattern; Yellow large filled in block letters embroidery
BINDER310 Linen White; Red and blue hand-sewn letters; simple neat; hat; chuppah; torah 1 Adar 1831 5501 Mordechai Zelig Gutmann Donated by Zelig Gutmann of Nerestce for his son Mordachai born 1 Adar Rishon 5591 (14 Feb 1831)
BINDER311 Cotton 1880 White; Bold red block filled in letters embroidery; 3 Adar 1859 5619 שמואל פליישער ... Fleischer for his son Samuel born 3 Adar 5619 (7 Feb 1859)
BINDER312 Cotton Colored - not seen
BINDER313 Cotton white; pink boxy letters with center circles embroidery; decorations on letters; 7 Elul 1846 5606 אליהו שמואל Drslavice דערסלאויץ Donated by Samuel of Drslovice for his son Elijah born 7 Elul 5606 (29 Aug 1846)
BINDER314 1913
BINDER315 Linen 1875 White; red block bunched letters embroidery; some decorations; 14 Adar 1861 5650 שמואל פליישר מנחםדל Donated by Menachem (called Mendel) Fleischer for his son Samuel called Falk born 14 Adar 5621 (24 Feb 1861)
BINDER316 1850 Brown textured fabric; purple hand sewn skinny letters with purple trim 1896
BINDER317 Linen 1875 White; big gold letters; some decorations 20 Tevet 1858 5619 יצחק זעקל לערערער משה פטצליטץ Donated by Moses Lederer of Pulclice for his son Isaac called Zekel born 20 Tevet 5619 (27 Dec 1858)
BINDER318 1875 Tallit
BINDER319 Linen 1890 white; metallic silver thread filled in fancy; machine letters; white ribbons at end Hayyim Rosenberg Gift of Hayyim (?) [the name is abbreviated which is unsual] Rosenberg
BINDER320 Linen 1850 linen; red wordsL 4 Elul 1824 5540 משה וואלף Belongs to Wolf, for his son Moses born 24 Elul 5540 (1780)
BINDER321 Linen 1890 White; Red embroidery; German; Emil Frohlich 22 Marschevat 1870 5631 Simon Joseph; Rebecca Frolich Donated by Joseph Frolich and his wife Rebecca Rezl of Pecicky for their son Simon born 22 Marshevan 5631 (16 nov 1870) Emil Frolich geb am 22 5631
BINDER322 Silk Colored ?
BINDER323 Linen 1800 White; scallop edges
BINDER324 Cotton 1900 Taupe; Darker taupe fleck design; plain backing
BINDER325 Silk 1900 Bright red; Wellow large filled in block letters; machine made? ניימאןריי(ז) ל Gift of the woman Rei... Neiman
BINDER326 Linen 1800 White; dark red uneven box letters; red border; some decorations 6 Nisan 1844 5606 זעקל ...boy Zekel born 6 Nissan 5604 (26 March 1844)
BINDER327 Cotton White; Ornate Red Flower design printed; Green border; linen backing
BINDER328 Linen 1890 White; red embroidery; very ornate creatures and picturesW 22 Tammuz 1819 5579 לוישלום Levi Donated by Levi, son of David (t) for his son Shalom born 22 Tammuz 5579 (1819)
BINDER329 Cotton 1918 White; Large yellow embroidery; GERMAN 1918 Ludwig Rosenweig Confirmation (Bar Mitzvah) Ludwig Rosenzweig 1918
BINDER330 Silk 1851 Bright purple; Dark horizontal design; poor condition; plain backing
BINDER331 Silk Light brown, green, orange widevertical stripes; light bluish backing
BINDER332 C19th Tallit (big)
BINDER333 Cotton 1890 White; Large red wide block letters unfilled; bold writing; 26 Adar 1870 5630 שמואל נאשויער שלום; פייערל Donated by Shalom Naschauer with his wife Peyyerl for their son Samuel born on 26 Adar Rishon 5630 (27 Feb 1870)
BINDER334 Tallit (big)
BINDER335 Linen 1850 Faded white; Bold red large unusual block filled in letters; limited decorations 5 Tevet 1854 5615 דוד פאלאק סגל איצק Donated by Itzik Pollack for his son David
BINDER336 Wool Blue; Grey with brown backing
BINDER337 Linen 1849 Linen; embroidery 6 Nisan 1856 5616 Zanwil Isaac Steiner Donated by Eizak Steiner for his son Zanwil born 6 Nisan 5616 ( 11 April 1856)
BINDER338 Cotton Red; Vertical pattern of cream double stripes and flowers; Green border; plain backing Initials
BINDER339 Cotton White; red careful letter embroidery; pretty; red border 24 Kislev 1862 5623 Matthiah Nahum; Serl Derchliner In commemoration of the birth of the boy, Mattithiah son of Nahum (t) and Serl Dreichlinger born 24 Kislev 5623 (16 Dec 1862)
BINDER340 Cotton 1850 Taupe with red and colorful printed design; light red backing
BINDER341 Linen White; Large red open block letters; unique font; no extra decorations 1900 5660 Jacob Rudinger; Serl Shulhof Donated to the honor of the Torah by Jacob son of Isaac Rudinger and his wife Sarl, daughter of Asher Schulhof, in the year 5660 (1900)