The Memorial Scrolls Trust relies on your donation for its ongoing work to preserve the Czech Survivor Scrolls in our keeping, and to educate about Czech Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust.

UK donation 

Send your GBP Donation by bank transfer to MST, then sign the UK Taxpayer Gift Aid form here, and scan or post to us.

  • Make a BACS transfer to Sort Code 60-04-04 Account 86880594 "Memorial Scrolls Trust"
  • Or, make cheques payable to “Memorial Scrolls Trust”
  • and post to: MST, Kent House, Rutland Gardens, London SW7 1BX, UK.

International Sterling wire transfers can be made to IBAN GB28NWBK60040486880594 BIC: NWBKGB2L

We are able to take card payments in person at Kent House during your visit.

PayPal - donate

Donations can be made to MST via PayPal using the button below.


Thank you for donating to the work of the Memorial Scrolls Trust