Contact US

  • Contact us by Form mail on this page, or by email
  • Write to us at MST, Kent House, Rutland Gardens, London SW7 1BX, UK
  • Book a Museum Guided Tour by appointment.
    • Our volunteer Guides are passionate about the scrolls and happy to spend as much time as necessary to give you a unique experience talking about our scrolls, binders and Czech Jewish history. An average visit is an hour.
    • We must be notified by email of details of all visitors.
    • Groups of up to 20 are welcome.
    • Cheder and B'nai Mitsvah group visits by arrangement. (Safeguarding Policy of Westminster Synagogue, our Landlord.)
    • There is access to floor 3 by lift.
    • We are Covid good practice compliant.
    • We work very hard to arrange a tour for every request.
    • Your visit is free. Donations to the work of MST are welcome.

Repairing our scrolls

In order to ensure that the integrity of our Torah and Haftarah scrolls are respected when repairs and restoration work is undertaken, the Memorial Scrolls Trust (MST) require their Scroll Holders to only use Scribes duly authorised by the MST.

This MST authorisation will be valid for three years from the date of authorisation.

Sofrim authorised by the MST must confirm they:

  1. have a halachic (Smicha) and academic qualifications and/or have studied or had an apprentice-ship under a recognised sofer and provide satisfactory evidence of the same.
  2. have advised the MST whether they are a Sofer shomer mitzvot and yareh shamayim.
  3. recognise the integrity of the scroll is paramount, will neither add, change or remove signs, embellishments or any visual style (based on midrash or not), to or from the scroll. Every effort will be used to maintain the integrity of the scroll, keeping the same writing style, ink colour and thickness, stitching etc. Also they accept the purity of the ancient script which at times may seem to conflict with the current halachic standard of scribing, as many of these scrolls were written prior to the the strictness of halacha today.
  4. confirm that they only use cleaning and/or repair materials and instruments that are acceptable under halacha and are the norm in cleaning and maintaining the parchment.
  5. will not allow anyone who is not authorised by the MST to work on MST scrolls, regardless of whether they are supervised.
  6. whenever asked to work on a MST scroll, must explain to the Scroll Holder written permission for work to be undertaken should be obtained from the MST before work commences and such permission is shown to the Sofer who is to undertake the work. If asked to undertake work on an MST scroll without written permission having been provided, the Sofer has agreed to advise the MST immediately.
  7. after working on any MST scroll, they will send details of the repairs done and a condition report to the MST together with a good photo of the 10 Commandments.

Sofrim wishing to be authorised by the MST should email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching their CV .