OuR Story

The Memorial Scrolls Trust has allocated Czech scrolls to synagogues and organisations around the world. The scrolls are never sold or donated, but allocated on loan. Communities that close or merge with other Czech scroll-holder communities are obliged to return their scroll to the Trust.


Bohemia & Moravia

Jews have lived in Bohemia and Moravia for more than a thousand years, and over that time a rich Jewish culture developed. As in most European countries, those Jewish communities were alternatively welcomed and expelled over the centuries and life was precarious. By the middle of the 19th Century they no longer suffered from residential, demographic or occupational restrictions.



In 1963, the Artia, a company run by the Czech Communist government approached Eric Estorick an art dealer who frequently visited Prague to buy paintings for his Grosvenor Gallery in London, to ask if he was interested in buying some Torah and other scrolls. He approached a client, Ralph Yablon who discussed the situation with Harold Reinhart, Rabbi of the Westminster Synagogue. 



The Jewish Museum in Prague was created in 1906 and at the time the Nazis occupied Czechoslovakia the collection contained some 760 items. The German authorities immediately began to enforce racial anti-Jewish laws the day the Protectorate was established, the Jewish Museum in Prague continued to exist.



The Memorial Scrolls Trust has allocated Czech scrolls to synagogues and organisations around the world. The scrolls are never sold or donated, but allocated on loan. Communities that close or merge with other Czech scroll-holder communities are obliged to return their scroll to the Trust. Besides those allocated in the United Kingdom, Scrolls have been sent to contries 

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"Czech Torah Webpage" 


Our Conditions of Loan stipulates that Scroll-Holders must add a "Czech Torah" page to their website. We suggest that this page tells the history of the Czech Scrolls, how the Scroll Holder uses their scroll in the life of their community, and includes a link back to our website.

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Czech Scroll Stories

We are delighted to share the news we have allocated a MST Czech Sefer Torah to Hamakom, a new egalitarian community in Porto, the first we have everr sent to a Portuguese community. So much is known about the Jews of Spain and the Inquisition, that the ancient Jewish communities of Portugal and the inquisition they faced in 1498 is generally unknown.

The Memorial Scrolls Trust

The Memorial Scrolls Trust cares for 1564 Torah scrolls that represent the lost Jewish communities of Bohemia and Moravia. Some 1400 have been allocated on loan (they are never sold) to communities and organisations around the world.